Thursday 7 February 2008

Where are we now?

Looking like we're going to have Mccain as the Republican canditate to replace George W. Hilldog is likely to get the Democatic nod, maybe Obama will make it. The Democratic candidate will be largely irrelevant, America is not ready for a woman or a black guy. Whether it should be is indeed open to debate but in my mind as an outsider looking in it just wont happen. Change maybe required but a change of this perceived magnitude is jsut not viable.

So this leaves us in the myre. Another American looney tune in the Oval office. A publicly religious guy Mccain will be an easy target for the enemies of the US to relate the old Muslim vs Christrianity struggle. While the world is slipping into a crucial financial stage in its history the last thing the West needs is a continuation of the fight, it needs to close ranks, weather the storm and come out of the other side. We have yet to see the realisation of our financial mismanagement, if we are still at war when we do there are going to be real problems.

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